It's-Almost-December Window Shopping

Feminine meets industrial with a smattering of practical and a lot of pretty! Love me some good online window shopping from the couch...where you can be wearing leggings and an oversized tee (with dog hair stuck to it) and no-one is the wiser. I'm doing my best to be into Christmas this's a little harder than other years...more about that another time. But I thought just for fun I'd pick out some things to pop into my pretend shopping basket, on a whim...just because. Maybe you'll find a present idea in here for your bestie (or even yourself!) :)


Whether you've only just started to brainstorm about your Christmas Shopping List...or whether you're well and truly in the thick of it...or even if you're that family that rocks up to Chadstone for hot chocolates on Christmas Eve (?!)...I hope you have just as much fun in the choosing/giving as you do the unwrapping :)

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